by David Cody
The purpose of this article is to show the historical motive why there has been a division between the black and white church, between black and white Christianity; how it affects the perception of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and what it will take to unite as one unit in God and rid ourselves from a segregated mindset.
In one of my previous videos, I expressed how I desired to show the Ku Klux Klan the love of the Lord Jesus Christ in hopes that they could be changed by experiencing the true love of Christ. However, to my surprise, when I searched for them on the internet, they were already claiming their belief in Christ and mandating that all their members must first accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. I raised several questions concerning their belief hoping they would answer if they saw the video.

I also mentioned in another video how a white man informed me that his people made Jesus up, that Jesus wasn’t real, it was to keep black people in slavery. When I heard this, coming from a white man, I realized that the message of white supremacy had not only damaged the lives of blacks but drastically deceived the lives of many whites.
What happened is, that in the 16th Century, a certain group of Christian protestants injected a belief in the American colonies that blacks were born of a different Adam, and not the Adam of the bible who they interpreted as being white.

Circulating this idea in the Christian community, formed a reason for Christians to justify keeping black slaves in bondage. But, because certain loving Christians thought that it to be the will of God that all people including blacks become Christians, a new tactic was invented by the colonial legislators who decided to begin defining the word Christian as an equivalent to the word White. Establishing the idea, that when a black person became a Christian, only his heart could become white and free before God, but his outward blackness still restricted him from equal associations with whites, even in prayer and worship. And here, is where the segregated church was born.
Generally, it would seem as if the Love of Christ in Christian souls would urge Christians to protest against segregating the church. Unfortunately, many white Christians were taught to believe that Blacks were born of a different creation, unequal to whites. Therefore, they began associating Black people with concepts equal to darkness, such as, dirty, evil, and threatening, while associating white with everything equal to whiteness, such as, clean, pure, and wholesome. This particular accepted concept has kept the church and our country segregated for centuries.
But around 1824, a certain group of Christians took this concept to a whole different level, when they began deceiving their white brothers and sisters after encouraging The American Bible Society, The American Tract Society, and The American Sunday School Union, which also became known as The American Missionary Fellowship to began using the printing press to circulate mass productions of Bibles, tracts, and pictures that depicted The Lord Jesus Christ as a European white person.

That became the biggest and most costly mistake the church has ever known. Because, it not only, secretly blinded the minds of whites from seeing the truth, but it contaminated the message of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and falsified His earthly identity.
Now, some of you may have heard of Bart Ehrman, who considers himself a humanist and an agnostic, which means that he doesn’t believe that anyone can prove the existence of God, and therefore, doesn’t believe in God. But he is a well-known college professor who has written 30 books and is recognized and admired as a biblical scholar and critic of the New Testament. Who was featured in Time Magazine, Newsweek, and the Washington Post.
And the reason why I bring this guy up is because, I have read a few of his books, and in one of his books, he expressed the difficulty he had, in convincing his students that Jesus was a Jew, raised as a Jew, and lived according to Jewish customs.
The reason why this bit of information is so worthy of attention, is because, it reveals the fact, that those who saw themselves as white supremacists and Christians, who made it a requirement that all members accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior while establishing that all members be pure white without any mixing of other races, had put so much confidence in the pictures and images that were circulated by the church, of Jesus being a white person, that when they justified their denunciation of all Jews as an inferior race, they were unaware of the fact, that the only thing white about Jesus Christ was the image the church used to cover his Jewish identity.
For how could a white supremacist group be anti-Semitic and Christian at the same time, knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ was a Jew, born and raised a Jew, and lived according to Jewish customs? It’s because they never saw Him as a Jew. They truly thought He was white! And they never thought to question the pictures and images printed in the Bibles, the tracts, and the literature, distributed by the Church. They took pride in believing that their God was white, because someone gave the ok, to advertise a Jewish Messiah with a European face.
But now, that we have a better understanding of our past and the truth of how we became divided; How can we, as black and white Christians, unite as one people before God? How can we forgive and discard all the negative and misguided teachings of our past and become one?

The answer to that question was demonstrated in 1906, when God sent the Pentecostal Revival to the United States, in Los Angeles California, using the son, of a former slave, by the name of William Seymour. Who began an interracial prayer meeting; a 10-day fast; and a commitment to connecting with God. And God heard the prayers of this interracial group and sent down a Pentecostal revival amid a nation that segregated churches according to State laws. But the Pentecostal Revival electrified the United States and the world.

But under the anointed leadership of William Seymour, who was dedicated to having an interracial multi-cultural congregation, these prayer meetings began to grow in numbers every day, as people from different cultures were being filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave utterance. News began to spread about this new sanctified group, as they encountered blacks and whites, Asians and Latinos, and Native Americans who were being so touched by the power of God, that they surrendered their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, and were filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit;

For the first time in American History, people saw the anointing of God break down the racial wall between blacks and whites at these Pentecostal meetings, as spectators and reporters witnessed the most miraculous unity of interracial multicultural Christians ever seen in a church; as Blacks and whites publicly embraced one another, while enjoying one another; shouting and praising God together in the Spirit of the love of Christ. A site that The Los Angeles Times made a mockery of. But the more this meeting was mocked in the press, the larger it grew.
The power of this Revival was of such, that a white brother came to one of the meetings, and as he looked around, he became discouraged to see whites sitting next to blacks embracing one another in love and harmony. But the anointing of God was so powerful in that meeting, that his heart soon felt compelled to let go of his racial beliefs. And as soon as he surrendered it to God, God filled him with the Gift of the Holy Spirit and he began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave him utterance. And from that day forward, he was found, crossing racial lines, connecting with blacks in the Love of Christ.
From the Pentecostal Birth in Acts chapter 2 verse 4, to the Pentecostal Revival of 1906, in Los Angeles California, up until this very minute, God has been breaking down the racial walls between people of all nations, reconciling the world to Himself. (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)
And the word “reconcile” means to “restore the relationship.” And God solidifies His relationship through the powerful Gift of the Holy Spirit, proving His existence, by taking full possession of our body and our tongue, causing us to praise and to prophesy in another language; filling us with love that surpasses all understanding, and blessing us with the most powerful exhilarating experience we could ever have.
In the eyes of God, there is no black-and-white church; there is only, One Church. One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism; One God and Father of all…
We Have the Power to come together as One! Let us unite in the Spiritual Love of Christ.
Pray For The Suffering.
May our heart’s be full
Of everlasting love and peace in life and
May the Lord Jesus Christ watch over us
Every day and night and I’ll
Stop and pray for everyone who’s
Sick and suffering every day and I’ll light a candle tonight for the sick and suffering
And that our Lord Jesus Christ heals all the sick and Suffering in life Amen.
David P Carroll.
I would like to be one of yours.
Sincerely yours.
Covid 19 Orphanage Relief Fund
Warm greetings from the Missionaries of the Apostles of Jesus congregation which is Located in Arua Diocese in Northern Uganda.
Our congregation is located in the northern part of uganda and its predominantly very far from the capital city of Kampala
I wish to introduce to you St. Kalemba Orphanage girls school which is managed by our congregation under the leadership of Rev.Sr. Teresa Opio who is also the headmistress
She recently approached me for assistance to support the adult girls in the school with sanitary pads, this is a big challenge given the fact that schools are resuming after a year of lockdown due to Covid 19 Pandemic.
We are therefore seeking for a one time donation such that we can purchase and supply the Sanitary pads, Sanitizers, and other preventive equipment to support the smooth learning in the next academic term.
Apparently we also have a challenge of water storage since our area is blessed with heavy rainy seasons most of the time.
We also need to purchase a plastic water tank of about 10,000 ltr capacity to help in the constant supply of water to the entire school.
I Prayerfully look forward to your kind answer towards our request.
Keep us, good Lord,under the shadow of your mercy.
Sustain and support the anxious,be with those who care for the sick,and lift up all who are brought low;that we may find comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord,
In Christ always,
Bro.Alex Atiang.
Missionaries of the Apostles of Jesus
P.o.Box 290 Arua.
Greetings servant of God.
I’m the global mission coordinator of our church organization that have 20 branches in Tanzania and Kenya. I’ve been asked by our church board to contact you with immense respect and requesting some teaching materials in case you could have some in stock. We further humbly invite you to come and teach our congregations when the COVID19 pandemic will fade away.
Thank you and be blessed,
Brother Daniel .
Dear Brethren,
Many greetings through the exalted name of our Loving Savior Jesus Christ from Kenya.
I am very much pleased to tell you that your teachings on your website are a great blessing to me (Benson Ongeri Gwako), my family and the young way independent Christian fellowship that I founded when I got the call of the
Lord to do so. So, I, my wife, children and some few brethren from the community in Kisii, we are serving the lord under this Christian fellowship.
The fellowship is of 178 members, we also take care of 15 orphans whose parents passed away of HIV Aids and post election violence of 2017.we request that you keep them in prayers ,so that the lord will provide to them both physical and spiritually.
I am requesting you to send us more teachings christian material and Bibles that will enable us, as a young to grow to spiritually in the lord, We kindly invite you to come here in Kenya and bless our people with
The gospel of our lord Jesus. Kenya needs mighty people of God to lead them into salvation and know the Living God.
Please have a kind consideration to extend your kind cooperation for the extension of the Kingdom of God. Also I would be happy if you will accept us to be part of your fellowship here in Kenya.
Pastor Benson can be found in face book account (bena wako), whatsApp number +254713611499, kindly God be with you all the time as we look forward to meet.
Pass our sincere regards and greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Yours in His service,
Pastor Benson
Dear precious Servants of God, Holy greetings to you in the mighty
Name of Jesus Our Savior !!!!!! I am Pastor John from southern
Kenya, I am so humbled Brethren to have this privilege to visit your
ministry web and we are so blessed to have this wonderful opportunity
to contact you through the internet and was privileged to find your
contact. After prayerfully reading and studying your web page, I was
spiritually charged, moved and thrilled. My spiritual stagger went
stronger to find that you have what we need for spiritual growth.
Right now we are praying for the Lord’s will and open door for
give God all the Glory of allowing me, and leading me to your
wonderful and blessed WEB-SITE, that contains spiritual TRUTH, we
humbly pray that the Holy Spirit visit your hearts and humbly spend
time with us as our spiritual mentors. We hunger and thirst for your
fellowship and teachings. If God provides the opportunity we beseech
that brothers make a MACEDONIAN TRIP here and share the TRUTH OF God
have the children”s feeding program, in helping them who are orphans,
and we prayerfully seek like minded ministry to stand with us in this
work in prayer and in teaching God”s people to fear Him and love HIM
with ALL THEIR MINDS and soul. A ministry well done by His faithful
servants brings GLORY to Christ. We shall be blessed to work together
brethren,and Lord shall be glorified,hear from you. Blessings,
Pastor John
good hope see great work done we hope join you and be one of your member church please pray for us.
Great message on unity in the body of christ.. we pray for more ministry like yours to forth now in Jesus name .prophet Charles, Dallas tx.
Greetings in the name of Jesus, I am absolutely glad to know you today. I am nonepastor Mark of a small church started 6 years ago and am privileged to know you through the website; All the time we have been praying for God to direct us to His servants who can be willing to accept us to be part of prayer in one team but God is faithful and His time is perfect always. I thank Him for his mighty connection to you today. Our ministry is fully dedicated to meet people spiritually with Bible truth sharing His love. We try to reach lost souls to win them back to His coming Kingdom here in the village and other far places. Pray that you will come over here and know more about our ministry and if God use you more you bless us with the work over here, we do practice local farming that of keeping chickens and through this small project we try to move in spreading the word of God both to children and adults in many places in Kenya.
May the Lord bless you as we look forward to hearing from you. Would love to share photos in the near future, again happy to know if you do Skype or zoom.
In His Service Rejoicing,Pastor Mark
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Thanks for what you are doing in the word of God. I was reading spiritual pages in the internet and your pages touched me and touched my inner being! So i decided to write and inform you how we do our work and we request that you come and have a Christian oriented relationship of building and raising up teams to the fields. I am pastor Joash ogoro momanyi from Kenya.
I have brought to your kind notice under which circumstances we are doing the work of the Lord. It is not easy to do God’s work here in Kenya , especially where superstitious beliefs and violence, unrest are widespread. Add to this we face a lot of oppositions from anti-Christian forces, especially the Moslem and Alisabab! ohh we need your prayers!!!
However we are striving our every to reach the unreached women and men and win the lost for Jesus Christ. Inspite of persecution reproaches and insults we will continue to do that until our last breath. We meet with desperate families’ orphans &widows and share with them the riches of Christ, so we need your support and prayer to this work. Currently we have 23 orphans in our care please the need your prayers.
We visit rural areas, tribal and jungle areas and preach the gospel. We go door-to- door, distribute literature and do individual evangelism. We conduct gospel meetings. We use kerosene lamps to preach, as most of the areas and villages are without electricity. We walk on the rocky roads, facing danger at night. However we are steadfast to see that the Lord’s work is done.Ohh we need your prayers.
As the spirit led me i was touched of your faith on the website and went through your pages and I completely agreed with you as you are doing a good work for the Lord. People of God like you are really rare in these last days. I am sure that the Father is well pleased with you and that you will have great rewards from Him. I wholeheartedly praise the Lord for you and your wonderful ministry. Praise God!!!!!!
Kenya is a community of good people but has been saturated with false doctrines which are leading many to erring, publications have been dotted everywhere which have erring doctrines. So I wholeheartedly invite to please come visit Kenya to minister and start your ministry in Kenya .If you come to Kenya we will arrange a gospel crusade and pastoral conference. If you would start your ministry, We are ready to work together with you.
Here we have a ministry called LITTLE ANGLES CHILDREN CENTER
which is there to bring life giving power to the rural and tribal areas.
Lastly we are requesting for your prayer to this ministry of ours and see souls saved as for now time is short we have to work for the Lord and as the Lord helps you please help us with EKEGUSII Bibles and church chairs for our congregation groups.
Much blessing as I hope more from you.
Pastor Joash ogoro momanyi
P.O. Box 203- ogembo -Kisii kenya
Postal code 40204
We the Leadership of the Miracle Healing Church imc. Liberia, West Africa will like to be part of this great ministry as we look forward to hearing from you people.
this is the only sound doctrine church ministry which can help people go close to the saviour
As concerning the Word of life, Luke 10 section 25-28 says: On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
Luke 18 section 18-25 says: A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good–except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.'” “All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said. When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 5 section 43-48 says: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
In Old Testament, the Jewish people and their ancestors were given the Law to observe. First, What Adam and Eve should observe was that they could not eat the fruits from the tree of wisdom. Then, their son Cain was told that he should not kill. As sins became increased, the laws were also added more. Up to the generation of Moses, the Law in Old Testament was given to Israelites. We know that the Law is good and the Law is used to punish people who commit sins, but people cannot obey the Law because the sinful spirits are in people. Even that we know stealing and giving false testimony are sinful, but greedy and pride spirits in us drive us to do sinful things. So as Old Testament prophesied we need to get rid of our sinful nature from our spirits.
Jeremiah 31 section 31-33 says: “The time is coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord. “This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Ezekiel 36 section 24-27 says: “‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.
The prophecies are fulfilled when Jesus begins to teach love. The two greatest commandments are ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Love is above the Law and if people have love they are free from the law of sin and death. People who are full of love will not think about stealing or giving false testimony but are merciful and they feed hungry people or give thirsty people something to drink or invite strangers in or clothe people who need clothes. The Law is for people who commit sins. Nobody will say that he will get reward because he does not steal before. But love is the grace we get. And with love we will get eternal life.
Romans 13 section 8-10 says: Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,” and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Luke 17 section 20-21 says: Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say,’ Here it is,’ or ‘ There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”
John 4 section 23-24 says: Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
I saw a utuber that showed how Jesus is what ever you need him to be aisian, mexican, Russian, Eskimo, european, Middle eastern, african American, African, And American all on the cross. Know what i call that ? Unbelievable.
Iim white and love how you point out that the harm done is done to both black and 60 now and growing up i never had the pleasure of knowing any black people. Till kc and the sunshine band and disco hit the charts 🕺 give you an idea what my life was lile just watch waynes world that was me and mine. 🙄 ever get to seattle look up calvary on the hill.
Come worship with us. Come to think of it we dont have Jesus on the cross . like a cross could stop Christ ! Its so sad how far we are as a world from the one who created us . our laws are so far off .
Keep. Spreading the good news. Love and peace. and you will never seace.
Please pray that God will provide all resources needed to build our christian orphans school,Camp David Green Academy in Kenya.
Dear friends,Greetings in Jesus name.It is a great joy to know you and
the work you are doing.We request you to partner with us and we invite
to come to establish us fully in your ministry work.Again send us your
teachings and gifts of Bibles.Am committed in reaching out the drug
addicted,sexually abused,abandoned and orphans with Gospel of Jesus
Christ.May it please your honor and love to assist us with empowerment
so that we can become self sustaining.We hope to hear from you.Yours
in Christ,
Pastor Andrew
Dear I am Jay Mandal doing ministry in sundarban area of India.7 house churches around 60-65 people are gatharing and 150 childransand 80 widows are in our contact.I am doing independly I want to work with you and learn more for kingdom of God.
Dear Brother,
The Lord be with you and make God’s face to shine upon you and give you peace.
I am Waseem Yousaf from Pakistan. I have studied your web site, and have found it to be one of many wonderful sites offered on the internet which gets to the Truth of the Word of God. As is the case with others whom I have contacted, you have created material which is full of knowledge concerning development of religious faith. Living in Pakistan, we Christians face many obstacles in getting access to God’s Word. Most people in Pakistan speak Urdu, and are not capable of understanding the English language. Because of limited access in our native tongue, my people have a true hunger for fresh Christian Perspectives.
Proficient in both English and my native languages, I would like to offer my services as translator to you. Presenting your material in both Urdu and Punjabi would be a true blessing to the Pakistani and Indian people. For a nominal fee, I will enable you to bring the message of Salvation to a most deserving people.
Blessing you in advance for your consideration,
In Him,
Waseem Yousaf
Greeting in name of Jesus. I do write to you, Looking the way to move the ministry having a small grup of 32 people memaers church . Help in warking to gether in ministry
Thank you My name is Bishop Silas From kenya Nairobi i felt Inspired and wish to represent your church branch here to help other souls to come to christ our love jesus
my contacts
I declare Increase in Revelation, Miracles, Fresh Anointing, Restoration, Financial Abundance, Deliverance, and God’s Presence over you and your household in the name of Jesus! Miracles are getting ready to manifest in your life!
Araka from Kisii Kenya. We are independent church with 48 church members and 14 orphans and 8 widows in the church. We are requesting you to allow us to work under your ministry. Hope to hear from you many blessings pastor
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Thanks for what you are doing in the word of God. I was reading spiritual pages in the internet and your pages touched me and touched my inner being! So i decided to write and inform you how we do our work and we request that you come and have a Christian oriented relationship of building and raising up teams to the fields. I am pastor Joash ogoro momanyi from Kenya.
I have brought to your kind notice under which circumstances we are doing the work of the Lord. It is not easy to do God’s work here in Kenya , especially where superstitious beliefs and violence, unrest are widespread. Add to this we face a lot of oppositions from anti-Christian forces, especially the Moslem and Alisabab! ohh we need your prayers!!!
However we are striving our every to reach the unreached women and men and win the lost for Jesus Christ. Inspite of persecution reproaches and insults we will continue to do that until our last breath. We meet with desperate families’ orphans &widows and share with them the riches of Christ, so we need your support and prayer to this work. Currently we have 23 orphans in our care please the need your prayers.
We visit rural areas, tribal and jungle areas and preach the gospel. We go door-to- door, distribute literature and do individual evangelism. We conduct gospel meetings. We use kerosene lamps to preach, as most of the areas and villages are without electricity. We walk on the rocky roads, facing danger at night. However we are steadfast to see that the Lord’s work is done.Ohh we need your prayers.
As the spirit led me i was touched of your faith on the website and went through your pages and I completely agreed with you as you are doing a good work for the Lord. People of God like you are really rare in these last days. I am sure that the Father is well pleased with you and that you will have great rewards from Him. I wholeheartedly praise the Lord for you and your wonderful ministry. Praise God!!!!!!
Kenya is a community of good people but has been saturated with false doctrines which are leading many to erring, publications have been dotted everywhere which have erring doctrines. So I wholeheartedly invite to please come visit Kenya to minister and start your ministry in Kenya .If you come to Kenya we will arrange a gospel crusade and pastoral conference. If you would start your ministry, We are ready to work together with you.
Here we have a ministry called LITTLE ANGLES CHILDREN CENTER which is there to bring life giving power to the rural and tribal areas.
Lastly we are for your prayer to this ministry of ours and see souls saved as for now time is short we have to work for the Lord and if you the Lord helps you please send us Bibles for our congregation groups.
Much blessing as I hope more from you.
Pastor Joash ogoro momanyi
P.O. Box 203- ogembo -Kisii kenya
Postal code 40204
Dear Brother,
The Lord be with you and make God’s face to shine upon you and give you peace.
I am Waseem Yousaf from Pakistan. I have studied your web site, and have found it to be one of many wonderful sites offered on the internet which gets to the Truth of the Word of God. As is the case with others whom I have contacted, you have created material which is full of knowledge concerning development of religious faith. Living in Pakistan, we Christians face many obstacles in getting access to God’s Word. Most people in Pakistan speak Urdu, and are not capable of understanding the English language. Because of limited access in our native tongue, my people have a true hunger for fresh Christian Perspectives.
Proficient in both English and my native languages, I would like to offer my services as translator to you. Presenting your material in both Urdu and Punjabi would be a true blessing to the Pakistani and Indian people. For a nominal fee, I will enable you to bring the message of Salvation to a most deserving people.
Blessing you in advance for your consideration,
In Him,
Waseem Yousaf
Thank you so much great information and I hope we all can come together and see each other as children of our Lord in Savior
Thank you for this message. I think the disconnect comes from not understanding nations, tribes and tongues and instead promoting a black/white paradigm. We, the descendants of chattel slavery via the Transatlantic Slave Trade were transported to the Americas and abroad from Negroland, West Africa today Benin. Negroland, where the inhabitants wete called: The Kingdom of Judah. Because we lack understanding of our dispersion and it’s ties to our biblical roots, as bloodline Israel, we have believed the ungodly, demonic narrative of our blackness being a curse of Hamite lineage. But Ham’s descendants: Egypt, Libya, Canaan and Ethiopia, were not prophecied to be forceably scattered and enslaved to the four corners of the earth, so called black Americans were. Read Psalm 83 to see the worldwide plot to destroy true Israel, Deuteronomy 28:15-68 to see the sign upon true Israel, Luke 21:24 to see true Israel vs the Gentiles inhabitants which currently occupy the land (since 1948) and their imposter spirit in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. A good website to review more historical, scientific and most importantly biblical proof for our semitic roots is: Finally, America is worshipping Gentile Jesus (aka White Jesus) not the true Yahusha HaMasiach. This is the answer for the continuing racial unrest in this nation.
Greetings in Jesus name.Am pastor Robert from Kenya.Am very happy to meet you through your website .May God bless you for your good website and your good work of God you’re doing.Pray for us as we are praying for you.Our new relationship it’s a direct divine connection from God.We love you and your entire ministry.God bless you abundantly as I look forward to hearing from you in Jesus name.Yours faithful Pastor Robert Mose.
Thank you for your words of truth and wisdom. May the shameful history of our division be washed away.
That event in LA was so powerful that it even reached Catholic Christians who began a movement, calling themselves Charismatics, and filled with the Holy Spirit. One of the things that they brought into our worship service, or mass, was the raising of our hands as we pray the Lord’s prayer together, each Sunday. It became a powerful reminder of the Holy Spirit’s part in our Christian life.
it’s s wonderful place to be worshiping
Wonderful message my brother. I really learned something from you and your research into the issue of racial divide. God bless you as you proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ who came to “break down the dividing walls.”
thank God for good work of God
If we would only repent of racial prejudice, forget about all the monetary gains of the church and seek the Lord for His will. Then the church will be united in love and the unity of the first. Let the leaders of every Christian denomination lead the way in this revival. God’s blessing upon you all!
If. OUR risen LORD and Savor Christ Jesus is fact… Then l am dead and there is no salvation… Especially today, 2020: l am ashamed that l am white… Well not really white, my legs are so pale, is pale a color ? I am so sick of some people who say that God is their Father: But yet they really think they are something.. But carry hatred in their heart….. l am 63 years old… The only hope l have and care to have is OUR GOD is mindful of me….. l don’t deserve it….. Forgive me for being stupid….. l posted something yesterday: Dr. Martin Luther King….. L.O.L. l wonder how many white people want to kill me….. To live is Christ to die is gain… OUR GODS Amazing grace…. That is my identity Not white, l am a child of OUR GOD….. Peace of Christ to you and your children’s, children. In the power, in the name, in the person of Jesus…. l don’t know you but l can love you because our God created you….. Our God , saved me frommyself..
Dear pastor,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is by God’s direction to have come along your website which is of blessings to me. I really feel that this is a divine connection that God has made between me and you so that we can reach many lost souls here in Kenya. I really feel humbled to get in touch with you and more so to share the Love of God.
I am from a rural area in Kenya. God has really called me to this place to preach His gospel to many people who are ready to accept Him in their lives. God has really blessed me with a gift of preaching to His people and I am devoted in reach many people and to bring them in the church to share together the word of God.
As I was going through your website I really felt God’s touch in my heart. Your website is really a blessing to me and I thank you so much for being a blessing to many people like me here in Kenya through your website. Through your website I really realize that we share the same faith that the Lord has put into us. It will be of many blessings when we share together and put more effort in reaching many souls around.
I officially extend my prayer request to you to humbly accept working with us in the work we are doing here in Kenya and more especially to help us with spiritual materials and prayers.
I also extend my invitation request to you to come over here in Kenya to preach and share with many the love of God. It will be an honor to have you here in Kenya sharing with us. You are highly welcome to Kenya.
God bless you and hope to read from you soon.
Heart touching. Did did this really happen? Wonderful news! We need this in our town.
I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ am pstor charles in Zambia i like your programs
Thank You.